Sunday, October 02, 2005

Lunch at the KATUSA Snack Bar and other food

My neighbor, Dee and I went to the KATUSA snack bar on Camp Walker. KATUSAs are the Korean military that work with the US Army. It is cheap food on post. I have been attempting to try as much of the local food as I can. So many different things to eat and to try out!

Ok starting at the top and working clockwise....

Doraji Namul (Bellflower Root Salad) Raw bellflower roots are peeled, torn
lengthwise into thin strips, and seasoned with salt, vinegar, red pepper powder,
sesame seed, and oil to make a red colored salad.

It was okay...I did not eat all of what was on my plate. It was pretty spicy.

The second thing...I have no idea what it was. It was a little less than ok. My neighbor said it had something to do with fish? EEK! I was eating fish!!! A friend of Court's, SGT Pantle said it was tofu. So if it was that would be the first time I ate tofu....Who knows.

The green stuff is a Korean "salad" It was actually quite bland compared to the rest of the stuff. I did not eat all of it cause after awhile it was just....yuck.

And the last thing...the most famous Korean food....Kimchi. It was very very spicy. Kinda like coleslaw only not sweet and more pickled. A few bites was all I could handle. I will eat more though because there are a million different kinds.Now this is the good stuff! It is called something like Yaki-mandu. It is a friend dumpling similar to an Egg roll. I could eat a million of these things. There is soy sauce spiked with red peppers that I didn't care for to dip them in. I think they are just good plain!. Yummmmmm. We also had sticky rice which goes well with anything. This did not even get near my plate. Little fishies with little fishy eyes looking at you. SGT. Pantle said it was Anchovies.

And I am proud to say that I ate my entire meal with Chop Sticks! My meal cost 5,000 won...about $5 and I could have gotten more sides of the veggie stuff if I wanted.

This is not the greatest picture but I thought I would throw it in just cause...We had this one of the first nights I was here. Court walked up to the KATUSA snack bar on Camp Henry and got this and brought it back.

So clockwise once again from the top.

The first thing is bulgogi which is beef and some veggies and noodles. It was really good! The second thing is more yaki-mandu. On the bottom is spicy pork and it also has veggies in it. I think with the yaki-mandu this is another one of my new favorites. It is REALLY good and my mouth is watering just thinking about it! And the last item is chicken fried rice. There is also a thing of regular sticky rice. A very good meal.

Koreans generally have their own bowl of rice and the rest of the foods are shared.

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