Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Trip to Mt.Apsan part I

Trip to the Mountain and the cable car...

So it was Monday. It was a federal holiday for us Americans. Columbus day. Gavin was out of school and Court was off work and I was sick of staying home. I have been here for a month already and have seen nothing cultural or touristy. So after much begging and discussion (walmart or Apsan Park...tough choice) we decided to try and conquer the Mountain. Court really does not care for outings with the kids. Maddie tends to whine a whole lot if walking is involved. And yes she does make me a bit nuts but after dealing with all 3 on my own for a year and a half I know it can be done. Plus I am just sick of hanging about the house and really wanted to go somewhere!

We headed to Camp Henry for lunch and snacks. Caught a cab and away we went. We were not sure where we would end up. The can dropped us off at a gate of sorts with a guard. Court asked him of the cable cars were this way and he said yes. So we started our walk. It was a really beautiful day out. Perfect weather for a walk. We came into a park like area with benches and signs. Many Ajossi's (older Korean Men) were laying about drinking and talking.

Some of the trees are just starting to change color. I really want to come back when more have changed because I think it will be beautiful! There were all sorts of fall flowers planted and it really added to the color. Even though we were just a 10 minute cab ride from the city it felt like we were miles away.

There were nice wide paved paths to walk up. Occasionally a car would come through but it was mostly people walking and scooters. I am not sure what these "totem" poles are or what they stand for. I thought they looked neat though. There were two of them.

Also near the totem poles were these stick figures. Maybe they are birds? Kinda reminded me in a way of Blair witch.

Below is a statue of something....with Maddie sitting below it.
Another statue and this time I posed with the kids. I think this is the first actual picture I have taken in Korea. So now you all know I really am here.

There were several Ajossi's sleeping. Or maybe they were passed out? Court said I was cruel to take a picture and post it...but hey not my fault you were sleeping in a public park!

Our goal was to get to the Daedeok Cable Car. I took a picture of the map. It was 4,500 won each for adults and 3,500 won each for Gavin and Maddie. Abby was free.

Here it is..the cable car.

Stay tuned for the next post! I have pictures going up the mountain and down the mountain. Also I visited a very small temple and took a few pictures as well.


Anonymous said...

Your best friend here to let you know that I love hearing about your daily journies here in Korea.

You can take a pic of someone in the park!

Love ya dear.

Anonymous said...

Meg, Jannie mentioned the park. How about a picture of the playground? Jannie ought to take some pictures :) Also some of you screaming and the bad children running loose in the area! Let them have it Meg! That's the way!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Thad let the kids free!