Monday, October 24, 2005

Abby's Birthday

Well my baby is now two years old. It is so hard to believe and the last two years have gone by sooo fast.

Thursday Abby got up and opened one present. She got a My First Disney Princess set complete with musical lipstick. It was a hit! I made a Chocolate Bundt cake with chocolate frosting and flower sprinkles to dress it up. I had hoped to find some Dora figures or something to put on top but no Dora here.
Our tradition for birthdays is the birthday girl/boy gets to pick what ever they want for dinner and Abby wanted pizza. After Dinner it was present time. There she is above. She really wanted to get her hands on the presents wrapped in the Dora paper.

Here she is opening a Dora video that I am already sick of watching...over and over and over and over....

Here Abby is sitting on her new potty seat. It is a Dora seat that goes on a regular toilet and let me tell you it is a HIT! Thanks Grandma and Papa for this great gift. She loves it and sat on it and would not get up. I should have saved this one for last because she was not interested in the rest of her gifts after seeing her new seat.

We finally convinced her to get back into it. Here Abby is opening another Disney my first princess toys. She got 3 in all. The PX does not have a lot of selection here. See the little people? I was ecstatic to see that it is a NEW SET!

The other kids get unbirthday presents as it is hard to watch someone open up gifts when you are little and I like to spoil my kids. Gavin got a bow and arrow set which is already destroyed. Maddie got a Cinderella playset which she loves and has played with almost continuously since getting it.

The birthday cake....I got the Boyd's Bear #2 off Ebay.

Yay we have candles this time!

Here she is blowing out the candles. She had a little bit of help but otherwise did a pretty good job on her own.

All in all it was a pretty good event. Not our usual celebration but still a pretty good one.


Anonymous said...

Sell-out. You get what you pay for Meg....don't buy those cheap immitation Legos. Buy her some that will last long enough for her kids to play with =D

Anonymous said...

I love the DOra toilet seat too. :clap: Great job mom!

I love the cake it was so cute. And the Candle was fantastic.

I bet that squash juice was orange. I think you should get some and try it.

Abby (doodle) and Maddie look so much alike... So cute too.

Glad I got to talk to you last night/this morning for you... :kiss: