Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Random pictures

Here is your typical Ajumma (older woman) wearing typical Ajumma fashion. Note the visor...you will almost always see one of these ladies wearing one. Also notice her three different plaid patterns. I think in the Ajumma handbook it says you have to do this or you can't be an Ajumma. They generally will stare disapprovingly at you as you walk about and sometimes even shout. Here is a recycling Ajumma. **See the visor** You see these women all over pushing huge carts of items that people have thrown away. I guess it is a good way to make money.
A bus sign. Notice the McDonald's Logo. There is one of these on every single bus sign I have ever seen. I am not sure if they are a sponsor of the sign or if it is as Gavin suggested...get on the bus and it will take you to McDonald's.

These dancing girls appear on a stage in matching clothing everytime a new business opens up. These ladies had been out a good 8 hours at least. I hear they work 12 hour shifts for very little pay. These were also singing along with the music.
An itty bitty truck. These things are so cute I want to take one home with me. I think it would fit comfortably in the back of a Ford Ranger. This car is a Tico. Very very very tiny and cute. I think my hip comes to the roof of the car if that gives you a hint as to how big it is. I wish we could get one of these. So compact it would be easy to drive the streets and fit through the narrow areas.
This is not the greatest shot. But as we passed the pet store we saw this cute little puppy with his ears dyed orange. I have seen this again and again. Other popular shades are blue and purple.

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