Friday, October 14, 2005

Went walking

Thursday Dee and I decided to take a walk. There is a bakery right off Camp George and I have been craving doughnuts in a bad way. Or even a pastry or some sort of baked goods. So we dropped the boys off at school and met up around 8:30 ready to go. Here is Maddie near the back gate. I have wanted to get a picture of this for a while...think it is neat looking.

We got to the bakery and it was still closed!? Makes no sense. Why would you have a coffee and bakery shop and not open early? So I said...well I do not want to go home....lets go walking! Below is a picture of a street sign. Thought I would try and show you that. It is nice they are in English and Korean.

Here is a typical narrow city street. It is for two lane traffic!!! CRAZY!

All along the street near lamp posts or other poles you will see trash just dumped. Sometimes there are trash cans but mostly it is like this just odds and ends of stuff. And the smell can be soooo bad. You get a lot of sewage smell as you are out walking.

Here is just a picture of a typical Korean business building. They build up because there is a lack of space. Looks like there is an English school, music and martial arts in this building.

One of the main reasons I wanted to keep walking was because there is a temple close by. I wish I knew the name of this temple but I have been unable to find out what it is or what it is called. Here are a few pictures of it.

On the top is a large golden Buddah. I really wish I could have gotten some better pictures but they are doing construction so I could not get right in front of it. I can see this temple and the Buddha from Camp Walker and we always look for it. It is a kind of landmark for me. But you would figure something so big would be in a guide book or a web site or something? It is just a beautiful building in the middle of a huge city.

In the courtyard there were about a million hanging lanterns. I would really like to try and get one of these before I go back to the US. They are really beautiful!

Here is a statue sitting out front. If you look to the left of the statue there are people reading from books. I am not sure what they are doing but Dee said we should not go in since there was some sort of religious something going on. I am trying to be respectful so I just stood from afar and took pictures.

Here is another Buddha and I really wanted to rub his belly or something...LOL

Here is one more shot of the large Golden Buddha on top from a different angle. You can see the construction going on right next to it.

Here are some more lanterns attached to someone's house. I just think they are so neat!

We past a meat shop and this pig (?) was just hanging there. Not particularly sanitary. And a little gross.
On to the Bakery.....

After a whole lot of walking and a whole lot of crying on Maddie's part we came back to where we began which was the bakery. And this time it was open.

Mmmm Looks good!

There is Abby. Maddie was sitting at a table.

Lookie what they had!!! I bought this and some sort of roll and paid a whopping 5,300 won for it. Could not wait to get home and tear into some doughnuts.

Don't they look good?

Hate to tell you they really are NOT that good. I tried the one on the bottom right and if it was chocolate I'll eat the plastic it was wrapped in. I did eat most of the one on the upper left and it was ok..just not enough sugar or something. :(

I will continue the quest for doughnuts.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhh honey I am going to send you the fry daddy that we have never used. Along with some great Donut recipes. I know your pain. :hug:

Is there anything else you are missing?