Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Ankle Verdict

Well it is not broken. I am really surprised.

Here is what happened...
I was taking Gavin to school this morning. I had just got to the bottem step put Abby down, stepped off the landing and my left ankle bnt outwards and I heard and felt POP! So I sat down for a few and felt ok so stood up and walked slowly towards school using the stroller to walk with. Took a few slow steps and was good to go then out of no where my ankle gave out and did it again. I felt a crunch like I have never felt before and instant shooting pain that made me yell some bad words very louding and I started to cry. Told Gavin to go on to school without me but he refused and I cried some more. Saw a lady that works with Court and asked her if she could let him know I was hurt. Got back to the bottom steps and had Gavin get Dee. She came down and stayed with the kids while I went up 4 floors to our apartment to get my phone and ID. Then walked back down the stairs. This took a good 20 minutes or so. Got to Dee's van and to the Clinic on Camp Walker. About a 10 minute drive away. Court called and then came. We finished up there and then back home.

Went back to Walker around 2 ish. Took the girls with me (Gavin was in school by this time) got my x-ray and waited and waited and waited. Finally saw the doctor and it is just a very wicked bad sprain. Going up four flights of stairs is sure tough and I have bruises under my arms from the crutches. I have to stay off my foot totally for 4 days and then start bearing some weight but still use the crutches.

Abby keeps trying to pull my crutches out from under me and keeps messing with my foot making me cry out in pain. Ouch! Of all the things to happen...


Anonymous said...

Meg, when I twisted my ankle back in 2000 it made the same pop noise. I was on my knees screaming and trying like hell to keep from throwing up and crapping myself. I had dark black bruises on both sides of my ankle for about a month or two. It has never healed back to 100%. When it gets cold it aches, and I have to be careful as theinjury has left it weak. By far the worst pain I have ever felt.

Anonymous said...

I have been told that sometimes sprains can be worse than breaks. Just do what the doctor says. Be careful and hope that elevator is finished soon.

I am going to have to call you tonight sometime. Miss you...