Monday, September 26, 2005


I finally got Court to take us to Walmart. I was just so happy to leave the house and be out in the city and off post. We called a cab and went to the Walmart way on the other side of the city near the World Cup Stadium. It was an expensive cab ride...9000 won or around $9. The walmart was 5 stories tall and was also a super center. It was like walmart back home...but not the same thing either. Here is a picture from across the street. You can see how huge it is. It is much bigger than back home but the selection was not the same...of course.

The cab ride was great and I really was happy to get out of the house and off post and get to see something new and different. It was a beautiful day out and the kids were all for the most part pretty well behaved. Here are some diapers. Generic, huggies...and looks like pampers but they are called cutie. Probably the same thing just a different name.

I tried to get some pictures of various items in the... grocery part but the battery on my camera was about dead and I did not know how the store would feel about me taking pictures.

It comes in a can and goes great with's.....SPAM! Up yours? They are slimmer and taller than the stuff back home but the can assures me it is the same American flavor of 7-up! Oh and evidently it is NEW!Here are some eggs. The ones on the right appear to be just your typical brown eggs. The ones on the left??? Couldn't tell you what kind they are. They were small and speckled and Gavin and I had the strange suspicion that the specks were poop. Ew. Also this was really weird but they were not refrigerated. Not sure why? In the US our eggs are and I am thinking that an egg is an egg right? Or maybe we stick different hormones and such in them? Who knows. Court and I laughed about getting the little eggs and making fried eggs with them. I am sure they would be really cute! But I am not that brave.

I have a bunch more pictures but for whatever reason Blogger is not letting me put up any more. I have been messing with it since last night. Argh. So I will do this in a part two later on.


Anonymous said...

Those speckled eggs are quail eggs. People usually eat them boiled.

Anonymous said...

I random visited this blog .. ^^ your posting is so interesting. specially 'quail eggs' haha. :)
Ah, I'm Korean. sometimes I have eaten in some resterant.